Observatory on Dante Studies

guest researchers


Scholars and students working in the field of Dante Studies are welcome to the Observatory, where they can conduct short term research.

During their stay, appointees will have the opportunity to experience the scholarly life at Utrecht University, have academic exchanges which will strengthen their network, have full access to the rich university library’s collections and other facilities.

On their part, they are expected to engage fully in the Observatory’s activities and in particular:

  • prepare an essay under tutoring (principal duty)
  • attend lectures and the Dante course
  • participate in the ODS annual conference presenting a poster of their project.


The study stay runs preferably from 1 November to 31 January of each year.

In this period the hosted researchers are affiliated with Utrecht University while continuing to be supported by their own home institution.


The project must represent advanced research. Criteria for selection shall include:

  • relevance of the topic to the ODS’s purposes
  • originality of insights and hermeneutics
  • methodological skill
  • relevance to digital humanities and/or transmedia
  • candidate’s curriculum vitae
Fellows are appointed by the coordinator, with the approval of the chair of the Italian Studies section, prof. H. Hendrix.


To apply, candidates will fill in this form with a description of their project, stated motivations and accompanied by an updated CV.